Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tea and Toast

There is something about tea and toast. 

I read old fashioned British mysteries and someone is always having tea and toast. Even in my reality tea and toast was always supposed to be good for your stomach if you were feeling a little off. In my present reality, tea and toast is just plain delightful and delicious. 

This morning I was not too hungry and so I had tea and toast. Rich English breakfast tea with cream ~ actually the oxymoronic No Fat 1/2 & 1/2. And Toast: sourdough bread with green tea powder from Trader Joe's. All I know about this bread is that it is Good. Of course regardless of the bread used, the toast of tea and toast needs butter - nothing oxymoronic about that. Real butter. You don't have to use a lot ~ just a slither so you can taste the richness. Same is true of jam. Just a wisp across the toast. Tea and toast needs to taste like - well, tea and toast. Yum. Easy luxury especially if you sit down to eat and don't just grab it all on the way out the door. Hmmm - I'm not even sure you Can eat tea and toast on the run. That's even better. Tea, toast and a few minutes of calm ~ with blessings

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