Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday thoughts

~ Where Did that key go? One of the mysteries of life I guess. D put in the new battery, found another key, turned it and voila! we now have two working keys again ~ but Where Did that key go?

~ Spring in the mountains: first it rains, then it snows, then it mixes it up causing great Plops of snow to fall from the trees onto the roof sounding like a Lab sized squirrel is thumping across the roof.

~ Tea with friends is lovely. We sat at the table, drank lovely tea, chatted and then they went home and in a delightful mood, I snuggled down in front of the fire to read. 

~ Instant message is Wonderful! I get to chat with my friend in Wales almost every day. We get to share life in short sentences sometimes as it happens. 

~ There is always something for which to be grateful ~ blessings

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