Thursday, August 28, 2008

I've been wondering . . .

What is it that makes the universe dump lots of crap on one person and leave another person to go through life dealing with things that come along in ordinary ways? Sickness (cancer for instance) comes to some families. It is hard and one person has it and everyone deals and keep moving on. People die sooner than they should and the family deals with it and keeps moving on. A son goes to jail - and it is hard to deal with and people do and keep moving on. And then there is that person whose family has three people with cancer, two people in jail, two people who die too young, all the appliances break down at the same time, the car's breaks are gone, and the bread winner loses a job to the awful economy.

We all know people like that. People whose heads are covered with a little black rain cloud that just Stays there. Maybe it is the Law of Attraction: what they concentrate on is what they get. Maybe they had a spiritual agreement that said they would come to earth and experience every nasty thing possible - their choice. Or maybe that's Just the Way It Is. Whichever, I think those of us who are fortunate enough to experience life in its fullest and happiest and keep moving through the sad, hard times need to send lots of good, positive energy with lots of Light and Love into the Universe on behalf of these folks. ~ ~ blessings to you as you move through life in gratitude for all the blessings bestowed upon you

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