Friday, October 6, 2017

“They want to call you?”

It is 25 years ago. Michelle is pregnant with Joshua, and yes, we know it is Joshua who is coming. My friend Anne comes late to dance rehearsal, apologizes and says, “Cory wanted to call and talk to his grandmother.” Cory was about 3. My immediate and excited response was, “They want to call you??”

Wow! Grandchildren might want to call their grandparents. I could hardly wait. And sure enough Joshua was born, grew up enough to want to call his Mama Susan, recognize the weekly postcard and finally find it amazing that when he came to our house, I was actually there.

Time passed. When he was in high school we lived close enough that we saw each other every week or so and therefore the need or desire for phone calls was not as great. 

College years passed quickly (for me - not so much for him) and we saw each other when I could make it to Ashland. He graduated on a Saturday and on Monday started a new job that he enjoys. Once in a while I would see a post of some kind on FaceBook and in the last week I saw him on my chat list. As happens a lot, as I was typing a message, he signed off. And then the other day, my phone rings. It was Joshua!

My excitement was just as great after 25 years, as that earlier anticipation of just the fact that they might want to call. I’m not sure grandchildren understand how much their grandparents love them until they themselves become grandparents. I find myself thinking of my grandmother and some of things I was told she said about me. Even after all these years, I wish I could call. 

Mama Dear and Susan in 1943; Joshua and Mama Susan at graduation in June. 

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