Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baking Cookies

Friend Gill was in town from Cardiff, Wales. She and I were talking about word differences ~ as in the difference between cookies and biscuits. Their biscuits are more like our hard crisp cookies. Our cookies are not like anything they have except for what they find now in Starbucks or Subway. As the conversation continued, I said something about imagine baking cookies and not tasting the cookie dough. Gill replied, "I have never made cookies." What???? Because of places like Starbucks and Subway, she has eaten cookies. She has made their biscuits. She had never made cookies. Trinity could Not imagine that ~ and with her 7-year-old wisdom, she decided she and her mom had to rectify that situation. So ~ she and Michelle taught Gill how to make cookies! Gill took the pictures and put them into this lovely collage. 

And yes - they sampled the dough. The process wore out Trinity and the sleeping girl is not faking. She is sound asleep recovering from cooking class. 

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