Friday, March 19, 2010

Catching up

Dog Tessie has an imbalance in her Yin and Yang according to Chinese medicine so the vet has ordered some Chinese herbs to help with that balance. Meanwhile she is taking Valium. I Love having a doctor (even a vet) who is willing to prescribe Chinese herbs And Valium!!

Stomach flu caught up with both of us at the same time - except we were two hours apart in time zones. Good people both at the hotel and here at home helped out and saw us through 24 hard hours. Now we are both doing better and feeling good.

Sink chose this afternoon to stop up so badly that even the neighbor and I together can't get it unstopped. It may be Monday now - isn't it interesting how these things happen at 5 o'clock on Friday afternoons?

Glad to be feeling good and no longer contagious. The family will come up for a while tomorrow - let the kids play in the snow - enjoy being together. Hugs from the grands. :)

~ with blessings

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