Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where's it . . . At?


When and where did we start using "at" at the end of questions of location? "Sure, I'll meet you. Tell me where you're at?" What happened to the very simple, "Tell me where you are?"

An oldie but goodie: "goes" for "says". This one is so prevalent that I find myself saying it. Ouch.

And of course (for me) the infamous "between he and I" - oh, dear. I even heard a "between him and I" the other day. Up until the "and" I had real hope.

I sometimes wish I could say it doesn't matter. It does. I want it to matter - even to younger ears than mine. I would like otherwise intelligent, educated, creative people to sound that way. I will not sigh and say, "Ah well." I will continue to hope and do what I can for the cause of grammar. ~ with blessings

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