Monday, January 4, 2010

. . . and so it begins

How nice to have had a long gentle holiday weekend. After a wonderful easy new year's day, the family left Saturday morning early and Dean and I spent Saturday and Sunday doing not much of anything. We read. Dean worked in the shop a little. Skied with Dave on Sunday morning. A friend sent her sermon for Sunday and I incorporated its reading into my meditation. We sat in the sauna and the hot tub. We napped. It was an absolutely Delightful way to ease into a busy new year.

And this morning it ramps up: take down the tree, do the laundry, begin to get the files in order from '09 and ready to accept '10. I actually held my breath and stepped on the scales and found myself about .4 of a pound heavier than when the holidays started so I am a Happy Camper without a lot of weight resolutions to sigh over. :D

Truthfully, I haven't set resolutions for years. Oh, there are always some things I would like to have happen in the next year. As for resolutions, they always seemed to disappoint me. I never could make them work. So I quit trying, quit setting them, live in the moment and do my best and things seem to work out better that way.

May you be blessed this year with hope for the future, joy in the present, and gratitude for all that has been in your past. It has made you who you are today ~ with blessings

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