Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve Happiness

This morning has brought tears of joy, smiles and much pleasure to The Mama Susan.
It started with a delightful video that I can't quite figure out how to post here of our youngest grands singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". The 5 year old sang the whole song on key in her beautiful soprano voice. The almost 3 year old made it through a measure or two and then was much more interested in what mom was doing with the camera. I was so proud of his sister who just kept singing and was not at all bothered by his defection. 

Next came this gorgeous sunset from last night with two more gorgeous grands sending greetings.

This morning a McKay family tradition continued as Emily helped her mom make her Grandma Nancy's chocolate cake. I love the concentration ~ 

~ which is definitely helped with the proper placement of the tongue. 

And finally came pictures of the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia which Meredith pointed out is our time's version of the market The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge (in George C. Scott's Christmas Carol).

We love that movie, the best rendition of Dickens' that I have ever seen, and so this makes me very happy as well. 

It may be a rainy, grey Monday and it is Christmas Eve and there is Joy and Hope and Gratitude for all manner of things. Blessed be ~ 

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