Friday, November 23, 2018

Random Thanksgiving Thoughts

Whenever I am asked for what I am thankful my list always begins with clean sheets, indoor plumbing and anesthetics. I realize this is a very practical gratitude list and has nothing to do with world peace or love of family and friends or any of the other things we are all grateful for. The fact remains, those are the first things on my list.

After that my gratitude is wide open.

Dean and I always sit over our Thanksgiving feast and express our thanks for family, calling each of our grands by name and thinking of how blessed we are to be a part of their family. We eat well. We have a roof over our heads. All of our children are happy where they are and doing well in life. We are very healthy for our age and blessed to have found each other.

And then of course, there's food. We were a little less traditional this year:

Dean prepared a rib roast on his "new" convection grill given us by son Rob.

Mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts with bacon accompanied the roast.
Yes, that is snow out the window. Winter arrived Thanksgiving morning.

The only other picture I have of the day is from the family in Oregon.
Along with the traditional turkey, dressing, gravy and other trimmings, 
the Oregon folks had desserts!!
Joshua (apple pie), Sam (homemade pomegranate cranberry bars), Trinity
(pumpkin and berry pies) and Akira (chocolate). 
Trinity made her first pie crust for the apple her dad loves. Joshua and Sam
made the fruit bars from scratch. Akira made the chocolate filling. 
All of them are welcome in my kitchen any time.

Our blessings are plentiful. Our prayers remain with those whose blessings are more
basic as they are simply grateful to be alive. May we all continue to be thankful for all
Life and Love bring us.

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