Friday, September 14, 2018

The Art of Conversation

As most of you reading this will know, I had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from my face last Wednesday. All went well and the dermatologist removed it all the first time. So - done and done.

I posted a picture on FB, grateful for it all and that the dimples remained in tact. Nobody messes with these dimples! Of course I received all sorts of love and support and caring. Friends are wonderful. I have also been amazed at how common this type of cancer is and how many people have had the surgery. Knowledgeable support was So appreciated!!

One dear friend had emailed me a couple of times and today I emailed her with a question. She called me back!! We had a conversation - a give and take, in the moment, sharing conversation. It was great to hear her voice again. She offered answers and we told each other stories.

She could have written an answer to my question and that would have been just fine. And I am still aglow with the sound of her voice and our conversation.

I have another friend who asked if I would read a book with her and discuss it once a week. We are now on our 4th book and once a week I get to hear the voice that goes all the way back to when we both learned to talk as babes. That is so special.

And then of course there are the times when my daughters call and say, "I just needed to talk to my mama." "I just needed to hear your voice."

Technology is wonderful. Sometimes I need the time to read and think about what is said and answer out of my own wisdom and not just blurt the first thing that I think or feel. And sometimes, it is really good to hear a voice, share in the moment, be present with each other while miles apart. When I was young, long distance calling was a treat and we did it only on Sundays when the rates were lower. Today it is all part of the technology that allows us instantaneous communication. I think we should take advantage of it more often.


MikeC said...

Good to see you blogging again! And glad the condition was resolved so easily. That was a nice photo. You’re right: texting is fine, but our smart phones have voice capability as well. And Terry and I still have an old-fashioned land line that *only* does voice!

Tahoe Mom said...

We have a land line as well and if forwards to my cell if I don't answer the land line. Meaning - you can always reach me which is both good and bad. Thanks for the caring support. Glad it was nothing in the long run and easily done and done.