Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Mornings

There is something about Sunday mornings. Even with new powder and the tourists heading for the slopes, it is quiet. We are far enough away from the main road that traffic sounds don't come through. We don't hustle and bustle with quite the energy we do on the other six mornings. I take more meditation time than usual. Even Tessie isn't barking with the vigor she did yesterday morning - of course that probably means there were no critters in the yard last night.

I'm even planning things for today - will go down the mountain to visit family and take Trinity her 5th birthday present. Next door neighbor is having a snowshoe party tonight followed by fondue. And still - it is still. Silence surrounds and penetrates and fills my space with its own special energy. It is and going to be a good day - with blessings

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