Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Planning to Backpack

We (yes, that includes me) are going to back pack. Never done this before. Excited ~ worried ~ looking forward to it ~ so I am "rehearsing" or in training. Walking further in the mornings. Tomorrow I start that normal morning walk with a pack on my back. Will I make it to 30 lbs before the trip itself? I don't know. Right now I haven't even had a pack that big on my back, never mind having it loaded with all I need to spend 4 nights on the trail.

The couple we are going with are very OK with my speed and my insecurities. Dee thinks I can do it or we wouldn't be doing it ~ and he has said, if I just can't, we won't. That "permission" helps me move forward. So far, I am ok. Much more positive about it than negative ~ with that energy moving up. The story continues ~ with blessings

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