Friday, July 17, 2009

Customer Service

When customer service is bad, we complain! We let folks know. And in this day of Twitter and blogs and other social networks, we can spread that word Fast. 

Do we do the same with Good service. Do we even acknowledge it personally to the person who gave it? One night I was trying to make airline reservations. I found myself connected to Rita because online wasn't working for me. I knew I was going to be a pain to Rita. So I countered her already tired and just a bit surly voice with thanks, with acknowledgments of her wisdom, with my own patience and hers. Slowly I heard her voice change. We began to laugh at my absolute befuddlement of some of this process (not a straight forward round trip obviously). Finally we had the reservations and all was well. Rita asked if there was any more she could do for me - hoping I am Sure that I would say no. Instead I asked to speak to her supervisor so I might explain how professional and wonderful she had been. 

After saying I didn't have to do that and my saying I knew that, she put him on and I offered the promised kudos. Guess what I found out? The next day, Rita would have balloons and some flowers at her desk. They all worked in a big room with cubicles and so all her colleagues would know she had been praised for her good work. I felt So Good -- and all it had taken me was a few minutes more to say Thanks to the right person. And yes, back then I touted Rita and her airline (American) to lots of friends. 

None of which cost me a thing - and actually made me feel really good. Customer service works both ways and is worth it from both sides. ~ blessings

1 comment:

WNelWeb said...

Good for you, Susan! I'm sure you made her day: probably her whole week. It is always a good thing to be kind and appreciative of others, whether they help us or not. Of course you know this!
Nice post.