Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I love re-reading books. As much as I appreciate the library, I like having the books on my shelves. That way I can wander by, see one that looks only vaguely familiar and pull it out. As most of them are mysteries, sometimes I remember who done it and sometimes I don't. Doesn't matter. If it is good and the characters are well written and the plot intricate without being ridiculous, I Love a good re-read. 

I also love historical novels ~ especially those dealing with all the intrigues around the life and times of Henry VIII. Talk about good material and complicated characters. Those are also good reading and re-reading. After all, we know how it turns out. Anne Boleyn will be executed, Henry's quest for a son is fruitless (as it were) and Anne's daughter, Elizabeth, will eventually rule Britain as one of the greatest monarchs of history. In this case, even a first read is a re-read! 

The book I am presently reading is the first of a series, the third of which I discovered on my shelf the other day. It even had a note in it from my daughter returning it to me. I had loaned it to her because one of the characters reminded me of her as a teenager. I had No memory of this book. And so my re-read, became a read that has led to two more in the series that I am thoroughly enjoying! ~ blessings

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