Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Beach

Cook's Inlet, Alaska. I have probably told you at some time how much the beach means to me. It is the Womb, Home, Peace and Ground. I return as often as possible but usually it is a serendipity rather than a planned trip. Yesterday evening after an early dinner (or very late lunch), we found the beach.

Can you see the smile? I had to have my picture and mine alone taken first.

Dean understands and after I took a long lonely walk, he wrapped his arms around me and said he was glad I found a beach and had some time there. 

I'm not alone in my love of the beach of course. Granddaughter Lettie immediately set about creating, all based on finding three seagull feathers on the sand.

It was fun to wander the sand with Rob, Chenlu, Levi, Carly and Lettie. 
I try to avoid being selfish and always share my beach when I can. 

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