Monday, June 25, 2018

It's Allergy Season

So ~ yesterday Dean and I have a conversation about ingesting pine pollen (which is all over everything so I make sure to rinse the mint, etc). This morning he sends me an article on pine pollen. I comment that he finds the most interesting articles and if this one tells me pine pollen will lower my cholesterol, I will have a fit. 

Guess what??? 

It. Does. !!!! 

And is good for raising testosterone levels in men and has some anti-aging properties. OMG And the nice man writing the article says that you don’t have to buy the products, you may want to forage for your own pine pollen. Forage???? All I have to do is wipe the deck tables. LOL Hey, I thought is was genetics keeping me looking so young. Maybe it’s living with pine pollen. So funny. 

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