Friday, December 21, 2018

It's a Huge Learning Curve!

Dean and I decided to list our two guest rooms on AirBnB. Of course we finalized it during high season in Tahoe. He listed them last Friday night and 48 hours later we were booked solid through the 5th of January. Phew.

Now hosting is not a problem for me. Most of you know me ~ I know how to spread hospitality, arrange rooms, offer amenities and in general make folks feel at home. Hosting is not the issue.

The issue is learning to navigate the AirBnB website and when and how to answer requests and deciding on when it is ok to ignore your own rules and when it is better to stay with the plan.

Of course when we posted, we were not Quite ready for guests and so the days between Friday's posting and yesterday afternoon's arrival of the first guests were a flurry of activity. Dean and I both worked through list after list. Housekeeping came and cast a professional eye over the space and went to work deep cleaning ~ one woman cleaned corners I didn't know I had!! A very handy man came to attach door locks and touch up paint and even repair some dry wall that had been neglected for ages. Housekeeping came again for one last check up.

We were ready though - and when our first guests arrived at the door about 3:30 yesterday afternoon, we were glad to see them and welcome them to our home. So far so good. There were still some website issues today and mostly routine has set in: people in, people out, people in and people ~ well, you get the idea.

Once this routine gets really set, we are going to have fun, meet a lot of delightful people, and enjoy the guests who come through our door.

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