Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Time to Give

The time of giving is here. Churches, Synagogues, groups, teams, offices, schools all adopt families from various agencies and buy presents otherwise unavailable to that family. And this year you may be wondering if you can do that, because you too may be hurting financially. The economy is hard. Still - giving can be simple: the change from your car, a dollar, change from the groceries in the Salvation Army pot. The agency you donate to will take your change and put it with lots of other change and create a meal or other small miracle for someone.

Remember too that someone close to you may need that small miracle. However affluent you are, there is someone close to you - in the neighborhood, pew, book club, office - who may need an Angel this year. Giving need not be limited to those places where you get a tax write off.

This time of year all sorts of places are giving. Come May, your women's shelter will still have clients, need to pay their electric bill, and need soap, shampoo, deodorant and lotion for those clients. Mark a day in May or June on your calendar Now, a reminder to give again. Whether another dollar or hundreds, the donation will be welcomed and used.

And of course give of yourself. Hugs are a great way to give of yourself. Invite a friend to tea or hot chocolate, just because. Gather a group to go caroling. In the midst of all the busy-ness, smile and greet people with Joy. You can be a blessing to those around you and that just may be the most special gift of all ~ blessings

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